Do you pack Heat?

So after we ran into a Drug operation while deer hunting we got a little spooked. I have always packed my .44 in the truck or boat but rarely pack anything when I ride. After the drug operation we ran into I'm now looking at a Beretta 9mm to pack while I'm riding. I have shot pistol comp for years so that is nothing new but packing is going to be a little different. My cousin teaches firearm training and few other classes with the pistols I figure I would take for the knowledge and then pick up my Concealed weapons permit. Never know who your going to run into in the boonies. Anyone else packin? If so what and how to you pack it riding? I'm thinking under arm. I packed my 44 this weekend that way and it was pretty comfortable just not sure if i can do it when I get my chest protector.
Reading and seeing the places where all these off roaders ride. That post the places and pictures where they ride. I wondered if the ones who venture off deep into the woods and mountains. If they have ever had to fend off a bear or other predator. I can only imagine that at some point they would have felt a need to carry a pistol.
Even the rider's have to stop and relieve themselves or get a drink. I'm sure someone on here as had to hold their ground against some kind of predator. While riding in the woods or mountains. Maybe even Big Foot. :shocked:
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I have several that I carry from time to time. I have a thing about 1911's. But I dont carry one. One of the most reliable, feed anything guns I have in 45 acp is a Taurus. Small enough to conceal. holds 10, and frosty or dirty it always works. Horrible trigger and you wont like it at the range, but for stuff under 20 feet I feel better carrying it than the other stuff I own. All that said if I am carrying at work it is a ruger 380 that rides on my ankle. Hopefully it could turn a bad social situation into a better one for me.
I like my trusty Glock 27, a 9 +1 .40 Cal that is very easy to conceal. Plus it's a Glock, they just work. :thumb:
I did see one of my buddys chase down a caribou once in Eureka he on his bike and the caribou on a full gallop, he then reached out with his right hand and swatted the thing on his ass, never would have believed it but i did see it. And by the way there is no Bigfoot.
Even the rider's have to stop and relieve themselves or get a drink. I'm sure someone on here as had to hold their ground against some kind of predator. While riding in the woods or mountains. Maybe even Big Foot. :shocked:

Not while riding I haven't, but a friend and his girlfriend and my now ex- girlfriend and me ran into something like that. We were hiking and came up to a slash pile. We started walking around when we heard a nice deep growl/howl. My freaking skin crawled when I realized what was making it. Not fifteen feet from us there was a good size mountain lion just staring us down from inside the slash pile. Naturally me and my buddy jumped between it and the girls (I was really thinking "oh shit, take the girl just leave me alone!" :smirk:) Anyway I drew my Glock 22 (.40 cal) and my buddy pulled out his kitty stopper the .357 mag. We backed away and just went right back down the hill. I will admit I was scared shitless.
I like my trusty Glock 27, a 9 +1 .40 Cal that is very easy to conceal. Plus it's a Glock, they just work. :thumb:
glocks work nice and of the upscale they are CHEAP to buy. My daughter inlaw has a gen 2 in 45 acp. doesnt fall right for me. I have a g34 on order in 9mm for a competition I like to shoot. I will shoot it for awhile alongside the 1911 for single stack. the new gen 4 is much more to my hand than the gen 2. the glock is really reliable but when it comes to something that is going to see some freeze and thaw, that gen2 hasnt shown itself to be as nice as the sloppier taurus is. i have run 45 gap in the taurus and numerous handloads that the springfield xd wont take as well. if you end up with one though, it won't be because you like shooting it all that much. it is tool is all.
I don't carry when I ride, I have a couple of firearms that I carried for the brief stint I did repo's
I did repos in college and for awhile I did them up here. I didnt carry at all during that time. I owned guns but where I was doing repos there was always the thing about the one you were repo'ing from turning it as stolen. if you were carrying you were going to be locked up until it was sorted out in every case. So I just didnt do it. The things you are willing to do when you are in need of making a living. :hifive:
Most wild animals don't like the noise and stay away from us…..however the hunters that are trying to kill the animals we are scaring away….don't think they like us much.
I was up at sutton way back, on the ossa. I stopped along the trail to see if I could hear the guys I was riding with. Right next to me there is this commotion as a black bear around 300 lbs leaves up the bank next to me. Poor thing was just going to let me pass and lay there quietly. I was awake for the ride home for sure.
I did repos in college and for awhile I did them up here. I didnt carry at all during that time. I owned guns but where I was doing repos there was always the thing about the one you were repo'ing from turning it as stolen. if you were carrying you were going to be locked up until it was sorted out in every case. So I just didnt do it. The things you are willing to do when you are in need of making a living. :hifive:
Its a different world down here. The Navajo tribe even issued a handbook on what to do in case of repo, and made repo ill-legal on the reservation. So you had to catch them when there were in town, I never had to use it, but I always carried one based on stories.
Not while riding I haven't, but a friend and his girlfriend and my now ex- girlfriend and me ran into something like that. We were hiking and came up to a slash pile. We started walking around when we heard a nice deep growl/howl. My freaking skin crawled when I realized what was making it. Not fifteen feet from us there was a good size mountain lion just staring us down from inside the slash pile. Naturally me and my buddy jumped between it and the girls (I was really thinking "oh shit, take the girl just leave me alone!" :smirk:) Anyway I drew my Glock 22 (.40 cal) and my buddy pulled out his kitty stopper the .357 mag. We backed away and just went right back down the hill. I will admit I was scared shitless.
You don't have to out run the cat, you just have to out run one other person :run: :lol:

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