Chasing the Easter Bunny in Spangler

Alright so I checked around and I have not seen a thread on the trip so I will start it up. We were going back and forth on going out with other commitments we had, so Thursday morning rolls around and the Manager says, let's roll. I get up and and have a few things to do and start the process of getting dialed in. Everything is going smooth and then I run into an electrical issue that ties me up for hours. Anyways, we roll out and get to the Football Field around 7:30pm on Thursday.

They next morning: Here is a couple shots of camp.

CDA's setup:
I said hey let's gear up and see if I can figure out how to take this scooter off the stand. Rack goes to get ready and next thing I know, there is a lesson going on in Geeks trailer on how many guys does it take to change a flat on an 85 rear wheel:

So we headed

out and we had about 8 people. I am the worst with remembering names, but good at making them up: CDA, KTMRack, GMan, Yama_Dawg, Weathergeek, Texas A&M, DRZ and Cyclone Gold Fish.

WG heading up the Ant hill by Prospector Camp.
Would you look at the fender bag on that guy...
Yama_Dawg, Rack and DRZ
Geek, Cyclone Gold Fish, Texas A&M & GMan

Rack forgot his camera at home, so I let him take mine over since he is a pro and has the cool pouch zip-tied to the front of his belly:
Nice Lid CDA!
Somewhere we picked up this other rider, that was so fast, our Pro photographer could not get him in the frame.:P

Right before this picture was taken, I was chasing GMan on a cool single track and he drops out of site in front of me. The trail just drops off this nice little 6 foot hill. I did not get a pic of it, but it was pretty impressive that GMan "launched" (for you KTM530)off it nice and smooth.
CDA looking back at the drop off thinking, why did I take the bike off the stand. I was so comfortable in the trailer.
We made it into the Rand Mountains and by the direction of Mr. Geek, we played around on some of the hills.

CDA still wondering what he is doing out here.
Yama_Dawg showing us how it is done.
Not sure here. This is either that phantom rider or there is a creepy guy hiding in the bushes half way down the hill in the center..:noidea:
CDA reminding himself that his knee is not suppose to be pointing in this direction.
The Gang hanging out in the nice warm weather we had.
WG, playing on a nice single track with a few rocks thrown in.
Cyclone Gold Fish
Let's play follow the leader. I was playing "Squirrel" and found a few nice single tracks that even my good friend WG commented on.

After this ride, I grabbed the 250 smoker and Rack I took off on a quest to make new trails. Dummy me left the camera on the counter in the trailer so we have no pics of that ride. Probably a good thing.

Once we gout back, it was time to spark up the grill for a little Chicken Sausage and Porterhouse steaks.

That is all I have for pics. Trav showed up the next morning and so did Rack's Camera, so I am sure there is more to come. It was a great time even though it was a short trip for me. I headed home on Sat around noon after a 4 man Gold Fish run in the morning that was just a "Hey we will just go around that hill and we will be right back" ride.
Looking forward to the other pics that the guys have...
is it me, or is that back tail light/fender piece broke on the TTR?:shocked: That sir, is not stand polishing material :prof:
I know, it is pretty embarrassing, I need to fix that before the next ride. KTM530 showed me up. He pulls into camp and unloads the 530 and starts polishing her down before he even walked around saying "Hi" to anybody. That is dedication right there!

"launched" LMAO that was one helluva funny moment right there.
:lol: That was great. The look on KTM530's face when Rack said that.:lol:
Those were some very funny moments I must say, especially the launching part. :lol: I have this one picture to add since I thought I was off the hook this trip with camera duties. Here is Greg T, 150R, KTM530 and son, KTM525, Travis and a few other friends who are not part of the elite yet, still working on it. DSCN1393.jpg

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