It ran fine for 80 mi on the trail, no noises, no loss of power, etc, and suddenly locked the rear wheel and died. Wont re-start. Turns over, shifts OK with motor off, rolls in neutral while getting towed to truck. Still full of coolant.Drained oil and checked filter and both screens. Nothing. Magnetic drain plug even has less stuff than normal, but this is a quicker oil drain than normal too. Oil is good.Took out plug, looks just right brown color and no metal beads of melted alum. Turn bike over with elec start and there is spark at the plug. Put hand on exhaust while turning and fell exhaust pulses. Also MAY feel it sucking back some-maybe not good.Took off valve cover and turned motor. Chain looks good and is tight so dont think tensioner went bad. Cant see cam lobes too well. Tried to line up cam gear marks and they may be off. Got to check this further.More later as it comes apart.
It ran fine for 80 mi on the trail, no noises, no loss of power, etc, and suddenly locked the rear wheel and died. Wont re-start. Turns over, shifts OK with motor off, rolls in neutral while getting towed to truck. Still full of coolant.
Drained oil and checked filter and both screens. Nothing. Magnetic drain plug even has less stuff than normal, but this is a quicker oil drain than normal too. Oil is good.
Took out plug, looks just right brown color and no metal beads of melted alum. Turn bike over with elec start and there is spark at the plug. Put hand on exhaust while turning and fell exhaust pulses. Also MAY feel it sucking back some-maybe not good.
Took off valve cover and turned motor. Chain looks good and is tight so dont think tensioner went bad. Cant see cam lobes too well. Tried to line up cam gear marks and they may be off. Got to check this further.
More later as it comes apart.