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I was wondering why do I always want to use emoticons:banghead: I notice some use them more then others and some dont use them at all.  I wonder if those who dont want to :puke:when they read the posts of those of us that do:P  I know my typos and grammatical errors may annoy some.

I like how it can convey a :rant:mood or a expression:jawdrop::cry:But I think it may be distracting to some to see too many and dont dig it:thumbsdown:

I was curious what is appealing to others here. More or less or none at all:noidea:

Perhaps some would like even more to choose from:devil:or would that be way too:crazy: many?

I think I use them a little too much.  I want to know why I feel like I have to use more then one. It makes me look sort of goofy:goofy: Maybe some think "why the heck does she use so many?"

Your thoughts on reading posts containing emoticons appreciated.

Do you like using them? Do you use them in every post? Do you like seeing them but dont use them? Do you feel the NEED to use them? Sort of like a emoticon addict? Do some of them seem pointless:lame:like mohawk:rocker:man?

I know...who gives a :finger: Just curious....perhaps by now you want to :smashpc: from reading this post.

