Well then by all means Rocker Man ROCKS! Did he do a gig at the Whisky? I used to go there a lot back in the day.Well if one emoticon could best describe someone I think IS truly Rock Monster and fitting. So lets see here hmmmm...who is Timoyz? Oh...that would be have to be a whole new thread. Which emoticons best represent the people here LOL I think many would have to be more then one emoticon.Yea, I like them too but not too many. I think I use them too often. I still say the picard looks like a penis with my glasses off.
Well then by all means Rocker Man ROCKS! Did he do a gig at the Whisky? I used to go there a lot back in the day.
Well if one emoticon could best describe someone I think IS truly Rock Monster and fitting. So lets see here hmmmm...who is Timoyz? Oh...that would be have to be a whole new thread. Which emoticons best represent the people here LOL I think many would have to be more then one emoticon.
Yea, I like them too but not too many. I think I use them too often. I still say the picard looks like a penis with my glasses off.