Even though 90% of people won't care, I'm still pumped

After cashing my last paycheck and staring at the money in a lock box, I realized I had to do something slightly better with it. So I headed up to First National today with my mom and set up a checking account. I'm really really happy about it, basically so I don't have to worry about getting robbed and losing the stack I've saved up or having to ask my mom to barrow the credit card to shop motosport. She usually isn't thrilled about that. Anyhow, I get a free box of checks and a visa debit card. :thumb: It was quite easy and worth it. That's all I have to say, carry on :)
ever type something out and not hit post reply?

i think i just did that... :lol:

i remember when i got my first checking account and checkbook. i had problems with the low numbers so i threw the first few away and people didnt care as much. something about being young and new checks scared people i guess :lol:


Staff member
Heck yeah, YD! It's good to start young. :thumb:
I suggest putting the debit card in the lock box. They make it so easy to spend the cash you do have.... :thumb:
Freeze it in a chunk of ice.
i remember when i got my first checking account and checkbook. i had problems with the low numbers so i threw the first few away and people didnt care as much. something about being young and new checks scared people i guess :lol:
I think I had them start at check number 500, and I'm now up to ~640, as you can see I hate checks. :lol:
My suggestion is while you're still in high school start saving that money, take what you NEED for parts, fees, and other stuff, and save every dime that you can. it will come in handy when it comes time to go to college, community or otherwise! don't pull a dumb ass like I did and spend every dime, and put off those credit cards for as long as you can. Looking back on it, I really did make all the typical financial mistakes :blush: don't be a snowflake!
I started a checking account, mostly so I could shop for parts online. Since I've sold the bike, there hasn't been but $0.33 in my checking for nearly a year until yesterday! $60 in there now. :rocker: :lol:

My savings account...ehhh, vehicle repairs are expensive. I've got about $20 in there. :smirk:

Oh... I forgot to mention that the $60 in the checking now is for parts for my gun. :picard:

My future is looking bright!
I know people who never use paper checks. I have not written one for a long time. I will be writing one is a week or so for a brand new bike. :banana:

If you don't want the low numbers you can usually have any number used when you get your checks printed. It can be 12000 instead of the standard 100.
Thanks everybody! I'm happy to see the advice, I took a class in this last year but everything helps! I set it so there is no way I can go over, and I plan to save about 25% of my pay, appx. 50$ every 2 weeks, and not spend it until I need a vehicle or something else pops up (gernaded bike :lol: ) as I learned from Dave Ramsey :thumb: I don't care much for checks, but having the ability to order my bike stuff that I need from who ever I please, it's just going to be great. I no longer need to talk over that case of oil and box of filters at dinner :picard: The only reason I will ever have a credit card is to make small purchases for credit building, if even that. See I have the intentions of following my great uncle John and pay everything in cash, up front, so I'm not financially restricted in my life time. A very smart man till the day he died.
cash everthing you got, and get it in one dollar bills....crow canyon weekend is coming and me and mike need TITTIE money :smirk:

:lol: seriously though, getting a bank account is the first thing you should have done when you were old enough to shit ,,, build credit early as everyone needs credit. I have an account for my kids the day they were born and make them save and put half of all of their b-day money, allowance and any other money they make in their account :prof:

Get a small loan for yourself if only a 1K, Talk your moms and pops into co- signing on it and have it automatically withdrawn payments out. Pay it back in full and early. It will build your credit. One day you will need it!!!! My son just got a loan for his second car with no co signer for 10k and got the lowest rate that even I could have got and he is just 21 years old.