Dang I wish I would have been around. 99% of changing a tire is starting out small. I worked for Les Schwab for 6 years and was the commercial tire account guy. By myself I have changed everything from bike tires to Earth Mover tires. Its all about using levers and understanding leverage. 99% of the time you try to take to big of a bite. The smaller the amount of tire you try to pull over the less energy it takes. Also you want maybe a 1/2" of the bar past your rim. The less bar you have past the rim the more leverage you have. Also the other thing most people miss is if your trying to pull over the tire on say 12 o clock. You need to be pushing down on the bead at 6 o clock. You have to get that tire in the drop of the wheel. (This is the low spot where the spokes are) If you don't your trying to stretch the tire (Its not going to happen) Now going back on you have to do the same thing. Get the opposite bead in the drop of the wheel. All wheels have a drop in them. (Car wheels on offset to one side, you must take the tire off that side)(Semi wheels are either offset to one side or centered so you can take it off either)If you have any question please feel free to ask I will help you all I can.
Dang I wish I would have been around. 99% of changing a tire is starting out small. I worked for Les Schwab for 6 years and was the commercial tire account guy. By myself I have changed everything from bike tires to Earth Mover tires. Its all about using levers and understanding leverage. 99% of the time you try to take to big of a bite. The smaller the amount of tire you try to pull over the less energy it takes. Also you want maybe a 1/2" of the bar past your rim. The less bar you have past the rim the more leverage you have. Also the other thing most people miss is if your trying to pull over the tire on say 12 o clock. You need to be pushing down on the bead at 6 o clock. You have to get that tire in the drop of the wheel. (This is the low spot where the spokes are) If you don't your trying to stretch the tire (Its not going to happen) Now going back on you have to do the same thing. Get the opposite bead in the drop of the wheel. All wheels have a drop in them. (Car wheels on offset to one side, you must take the tire off that side)(Semi wheels are either offset to one side or centered so you can take it off either)
If you have any question please feel free to ask I will help you all I can.