I even wear boots when I ride to work. For a long ride I've been known to wear my dirt boots and pants. Dirt gloves are better than nothing, but they will not save your hands when (not if) you go down. Going down on the street means usually higher speeds and abrasive pavement. I have a couple pairs of heavier street gloves. As soon as you can afford it pick up some kind of street jacket. I have two of the mesh ones with the removable liner and they are great. I'll even wear my old one when riding off road on a colder day. If you look around you can usually find some good closeouts.
I even wear boots when I ride to work. For a long ride I've been known to wear my dirt boots and pants. Dirt gloves are better than nothing, but they will not save your hands when (not if) you go down. Going down on the street means usually higher speeds and abrasive pavement. I have a couple pairs of heavier street gloves. As soon as you can afford it pick up some kind of street jacket. I have two of the mesh ones with the removable liner and they are great. I'll even wear my old one when riding off road on a colder day.
If you look around you can usually find some good closeouts.