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I just had a 12 hour all-out brawl with 4 carbs. I kicked their ass. :boxing:


I took a plate off that i guess is a huge no-no on these. Because i did it means i screwed up the linkage and 3 springs popped out. I didn't notice these untill 3 long frustrating hours later when it reved at 6k when on. Took it back off carefully looked at the linkage and figured it out and then taught myself how to bench-sync carbs (something i always thought was wayyyy beyond my capabilitles and some kind of voodoo. Turns out its easy as shit). Then i just spent the last 4 hours trying to put the carbs back on. It was the biggest bitch in the world and im gonna have to do it all again because and airboot cracked (ordering a new one as we speak, put rtv on it for now). Hit the magic button and she fired with some throttle. Then i just adjusted the idle and she revs so much quicker and idles where its supposed to now. I haven't had to work on anything new or differant in a while. To accomplish such as task Feel's fucking great right now
