Yes, some areas can be very large with little in the way of signage. In the desert you can literally ride for hundreds of miles. It's been a few years since I've ridden Chappie (where this ride report is from) but I remember it having adequate signage for my trail map following skills. The best navigation device is your brain. I carry a GPS, but so far I have only used it once to find myself. It was during a night desert ride.
Yes, some areas can be very large with little in the way of signage. In the desert you can literally ride for hundreds of miles. It's been a few years since I've ridden Chappie (where this ride report is from) but I remember it having adequate signage for my trail map following skills.
The best navigation device is your brain. I carry a GPS, but so far I have only used it once to find myself. It was during a night desert ride.