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:sorry: Didn't clarify what I meant, I wasn't talking about shoulder separation types, but clavicle fracture types. To much doctor speak for me. :crazy:

  • Group I - Fracture of middle third (80%)
  • Group II - Fracture of the distal third (15%)
    • Type I - Minimally displaced/interligamentous
    • Type II - Displaced due to fracture medial to the coracoclavicular  ligaments
      • IIA - Both the conoid and trapezoid remain attached to distal  fragment
      • IIB - Either the conoid is torn or both the conoid and trapezoid  are torn
    • Type III - Fractures involving articular surface
    • Type IV - Ligaments intact to the periosteum with displacement of  the proximal fragment
    • Type V - Comminuted
  • Group III - Fracture of the proximal third (5%)
    • Type I - Minimal displacement
    • Type II - Displaced
    • Type III - Intraarticular
    • Type IV - Epiphyseal separation (observed in patients aged 25 y  and younger)


:lol: Holiday Inn  Express :lol::cry::lol:
