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So we get to the hospital at 8:20 am (8:30 am appointment) and I asked the person at the info desk where I go for out-patient surgery. She told us to  go back to the out-patient waiting room, so we did. When we get back there I asked the person at the desk if I need to sign-in or fill out some forms, she said "No, just have a seat and wait to be called". We sit down and start waiting. :smirk: After 8:40am rolled around I knew something wasn't right, so I went and asked the person at the info desk again. She said "Oh I'm sorry, I thought you were here to see somebody and weren't the one having surgery" :foul: So I go and finally "admit" myself, as I'm waiting I get a call from the hospital wondering where I'm at, so I tell them the situation. :lol:

Fast forward

When I first woke up in the recovery room the nurse comes over and turns the media player, in my phone, on. (I had given the anesthesiologist my phone before I went in) :smirk: This is also where I got the idea to send Rack a text, I got as far as "Hi" and was able to hit send just before I fell asleep again. :lol:

I think I was in the recovery room for about 45min before they wheeled me back to my room. But damn I've never felt this bad after my previous surgeries, it took about 2 hrs until my head cleared and I stopped falling asleep. :bonk: Plus I was fighting with nausea until this morning. :puke:

The surgery ended up being 1hr 40min and Coffee I haven't gotten the post-op report or films yet. But I'll post them up when I do. :thumb:

Here are a couple post-op pictures of me though. :smirk: I was still groggy.
