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Here's the deal yo.


I buy my kids (he's 13) boots at the local pro shop (not the dealer). He's still growing so I make sure the boot fits snug with a little room to grow.  Boots need to be snug if they aren't then its just wasted money. I have a good relationship with my local shop and when he grows out of the boots I bring them back for a store credit and move onto a bigger pair.


I have a recipe for a cheap race gas mix, but it probably isn't needed for your bike unless its modded. PM me for details and specifics.


If you are racing then you should be rejetting often to get the most out of your bike... When I was doing nationals we jetted morning noon and night. I still jet 10 or 12 times a year even with the JD jet kit.


When it comes to gear its all relative. I have found Answer and MSR to be the most durable along with Scott Goggles... When it comes to helmets spend the money... get a Snell approved skull bucket. I often buy last years stuff on close out. Its cheap, it works and I am not out there to win a fashion contest... I'm there to race.:thumb:
