I thought guns were the cause of all the deaths in America? So, you mean to tell me that all these strict gun laws and banning of everything that could possibly be used to kill, aint the right way to do it? Knives are the culprit! Dadgumit! Every body stow away your kitchen knives, folders, and fixed blade knives. Congress will be coming out with a new strict knife law here in a few days. Apparently, we have to use safety scissors now to cut our steaks.
Guns are the answer! If one of these fellas that lost their life or the bystanders had a gun on them, that maniac wouldn't have gotten too far. Unfortunately, the citizens are held back from bearing arms by a stupid permit that is unlawful. "The right of the people to own and bear arms SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED". What the hell? My ancestors fought for this country and our government is going to deny our rights AND our freedom? The sad thing is, there is way too much corruption and people who either don't care, or wont take a stand for it. More guns in the hands of good people = less lives being taken of the innocent. Who's going to pull out a gun when almost every person around you would have a muzzle pointed at their head within a second? Switzerland has the right idea. They have the lowest crime rates and that's because every male citizen is trained by their military and required to have a gun in their home. At least that is my understanding.
I encourage you fellas to go out and get a gun. Practice gun safety and protect yourselves and your family. Even though a CCW is unlawful, in my opinion, but yall should register to get a CCW.
And hey, guns are fun.
So, why not!
This thread may not be a big hit or anything, but I just wanted to rant about our unlawful government.
Nugent ▬ Norris for 2012? I think yes.
Yall might think I'm just another crazy radical Conservative redneck...that only means I was raised right (no pun intended). I ♥ common sense!
I thought guns were the cause of all the deaths in America? So, you mean to tell me that all these strict gun laws and banning of everything that could possibly be used to kill, aint the right way to do it? Knives are the culprit! Dadgumit! Every body stow away your kitchen knives, folders, and fixed blade knives. Congress will be coming out with a new strict knife law here in a few days. Apparently, we have to use safety scissors now to cut our steaks.

Guns are the answer! If one of these fellas that lost their life or the bystanders had a gun on them, that maniac wouldn't have gotten too far. Unfortunately, the citizens are held back from bearing arms by a stupid permit that is unlawful. "The right of the people to own and bear arms SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED". What the hell? My ancestors fought for this country and our government is going to deny our rights AND our freedom? The sad thing is, there is way too much corruption and people who either don't care, or wont take a stand for it. More guns in the hands of good people = less lives being taken of the innocent. Who's going to pull out a gun when almost every person around you would have a muzzle pointed at their head within a second? Switzerland has the right idea. They have the lowest crime rates and that's because every male citizen is trained by their military and required to have a gun in their home. At least that is my understanding.
I encourage you fellas to go out and get a gun. Practice gun safety and protect yourselves and your family. Even though a CCW is unlawful, in my opinion, but yall should register to get a CCW.
And hey, guns are fun.

This thread may not be a big hit or anything, but I just wanted to rant about our unlawful government.
Nugent ▬ Norris for 2012? I think yes.

Yall might think I'm just another crazy radical Conservative redneck...that only means I was raised right (no pun intended). I ♥ common sense!