I woke up this morning and went to hop in my truck to leave and my glovebox contents were scattered across the cab and my ipod was gone. I useally leave my truck unlocked because im one of those "whats gonna happen?" people and it bit me in the ass. My cousins that live next door got hit too, they have 7 vehicals and the 5 that were unlocked were rummaged through. They made out with some change, a box of 9mm amo with the magazine, and my cousins GPS. We ended up finding the GPS in another neighbors drainage ditch but nothing else so far. It just sucks being robbed. Im going and getting about 15 padlocks for my bikes now because i can't afford to lose anything else. I fried my computer and streetbike on monday and now i have to buy a new ipod aswel. Anyways just a rant/update on my how week is going