If you purchase a WR450 and plate it, you would never ride the 250 again. You have been hinting for sometime about more power and the 450 would give you that. If you are running 10 miles pavement, then 45 miles dirt and 80 miles back on pavement, I would run a slightly taller gearing than stock to give you a better pavement cruising speed for the ride back without suffering too much down low for off-road duties. I owned a DRZ400S which was a DS and did some extensive work to it so it would breathe and be a little lighter. It was a great bike, but was not worthy enough for me to hammer it off-road like I wanted. Here is a pic before I added knobs. If I could convert a WR or my YZ450 and plate it here in Cali, then we would be talking a sweet ride.