Fallen Unfortunately it's time to make an addition to the Husky.

It's been a really rough week.

A week ago Thursday I was on the phone with my friend Jim planning a trip to KM for the Labor Day weekend. On Monday I got a call that he had been admitted to the hospital. Not until near midnight did I find out the true nature of the situation. Didn't sleep much that night. Soon after getting out of bed I got the call that he had passed.

It really just didn't seem real, and it still doesn't. Like I said it made for a rough week with little sleeping and a lot of time spent staring off into space with a zombie like glaze.

I don't think he made many (if any) of the rides with the various members of the SoCal DBA crew, but he was along for a couple of trips that Timo and Rolls were part of.

A few of Jim's friends and I are starting to plan on a plaque for Jim to be placed out at the Husky. Going to try and get it done in September. We are tentatively planning a celebration of life type of service for Saturday Sept 6, so the Husky on the 7th would be awesome. Just don't know if it's going to be possible to pull that off.
Sorry to hear about the loss of a good friend and fellow rider guys. Will not make the ride for that weekend. The wife and I will be out in the AZ house for the first two weeks of September. I know the feeling of staring off with a spaced out look. I have been almost in a vegetative state for a couple months due to work.
Jim saved my ass at KM.
Me and Rolls drove up early, and met Jim, and Carl, at Carls SSSSS Camp site, where Carl trashed me, all before lunch. Then just as I was relaxing from the up at 3:00, the drive up the hill, and the AM Rattlesnake ride, Carl suggests we do Rincon.:doh: Now, that was my first time to KM, and I had no idea what the hell Rincon even was. Well, we didn't even get to it before I hit my wall, and Jim knew it. I'm sure he wanted to go with Carl and the others, but he made it seem like it was him that was pussin out.

Here's to ya Jim. :cheers: You will be missed, and thought about often. :USA:
Sorry to hear about this Carl. I wish I could go with you out to the Husky but I can't make it.

Roost In Piece Jim..:cheers:
Absolutely horrible Carl. Sorry to hear this also. It makes us all take a look at our age and shape for some of us as we are not young bucks anymore.

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