Mechanic says holy fuck this things is a posbasically got told he wouldn't be happy with condition of head and crank (apparently took all a m18 1/2" could give to get the flywheel offso option were to have machine shop try and rework head, or buy a new one, problem is its discontinued, found an nos in japan for an 05, and with a little research, it should work, although I'll need the 05 carb boot to save for crank/mains and kibblewhite valves
Mechanic says holy fuck this things is a pos
basically got told he wouldn't be happy with condition of head and crank (apparently took all a m18 1/2" could give to get the flywheel off
so option were to have machine shop try and rework head, or buy a new one, problem is its discontinued, found an nos in japan for an 05, and with a little research, it should work, although I'll need the 05 carb boot too.
now to save for crank/mains and kibblewhite valves