Place these on your camping chair!
Not a bad idea. but I do not have a box stand. Mine are lift stands so I will have to look at that when I get home.or weld metal ones to the side of your stand.
Not a bad idea. but I do not have a box stand. Mine are lift stands so I will have to look at that when I get home.
....when all you can think about is the next ride even when you just got married.
congrats... now get your wife into riding.
....when all you can think about is the next ride even when you just got married.
CDA:funny thing, my eye was doing that last night when I got home
My wife asked what the issue was with my eye
I said"damn DBA"
She asked how school was
I said "damn DBA"
She said, "hey want to get naked under the sheets"
I said hold on I need to consult DBA
she said said why don't you marry dba
I said oh now you want to tease me
CDA:TT site is blocked from China's server
I wonder if DBA will be
If I can't get DBA when I travel over there I am coming home
my wife will say "why did you come home early, you missed me that much?'
I'l lsay "no damn china block my DBA site