Gas, air, and spark is what ya need. Check yer kill switch, Make sure yer' a gittin' gas, pull yer hose offfin the tank, grab a tin can, hold it under the petcock, <giggity, turn on the pet cock if gas is a flowin, yer' gold!, Pull the seat off, acess the air filter, is the intake clogged, iffin' its a clogged, she no run! Next check fer' spark, pull the plug and see if its a sparkin, if not, there's yer problem. Sometimes if ya pull offin' the carb. you can stick yer' fingers in the intake boot, and check fer the reed valves, be careful not to get dirt in there, cause thatll ruinimifacate yer engine. Feel the petals<giggity of the reed valve, ifin they are loose theres yer prob.