Ragen Toy Hauler

2005 Ragen Toy Hauler manufactured by National RV...

* 26 ft box / 29 ft total
* Front bed / sleeps 6+ (floor space under rear queen bunk... room for at least 2 sleeping bags)
* 12 ft cargo space... large enough to carry a 11.5 ft buggy
* 100 gal fresh water (pretty sure)
* 40 / 40 blk / gry holding tanks
* Elec jack
* Spring assisted rear door / 1 bar latch/lock (don't have to have 2 locks)
* 2 - 7+gal propane tanks
* Onan 5000 "micro quiet" generator
* Outside shower
* Audio system (inside/outside speakers)
* Lots of cabinets (storage.. all over inside, outside 1 area but big, 3 access doors, 2 outsidse 1 inside under front bed)
* Heating and A/C
* Gas BBQ hook up to propane tanks
* Hitch, levelers and sway bar included
* Corrugated sides, NOT gel coat

New within the past 2 years
* Rubber roof
* Awning (checkered flag)
* Tires (4)
* Vent covers (allows vents to remain open during travel an/or rainy/windy conditions
* Entry handle
* New "dump" hose (2 piece seems to be heavy duty compared to original... 10 ft + 5 ft)

* Wiring for tanks is disconnected (dog chewed thru them, have not taken the time to try and fix)
* Generator was serviced within past 2 years however due to not using it (always use hook ups, it will not start, probably a gunked up carb)

$12,000 (obo)
Post the weight dry and loaded w cargo.

7600 lbs empty

A lot when loaded... this will vary... 800+ lbs if the fresh water is filled PLUS whatever cargo, you carry including food and clothing which many people forget about. :smirk:

Plus whatever "load" is in your gray and/or black water tanks on your return trip. :crazy:
7600 lbs empty

A lot when loaded... this will vary... 800+ lbs if the fresh water is filled PLUS whatever cargo, you carry including food and clothing which many people forget about. :smirk:

Plus whatever "load" is in your gray and/or black water tanks on your return trip. :crazy:

I think he meant load capacity, as in what it is rated for the maximum load.:picard:
I think he meant load capacity, as in what it is rated for the maximum load.:picard:


My neighbor just purchased a touhauler and the dry weight and maximum loaded weight were a big deal for him. Just figured it would be good for those looking to know.
Post the weight dry and loaded w cargo.

I think he meant load capacity, as in what it is rated for the maximum load.:picard:

OK, for all you experts... I dunno!

I could hauil my buggy in it... then 4 quads (3 full and 1 small) and I've only had 3 bikes in it at onew time... so with that and all the other cargo... I don't know what the rating is on it.
Since you can now post pictures, take a shot of the ID tag, and post it up. All the info will be on that.

Without having to go to the extent of gathering more info since I am at work and my trailer is at home and I am posting this while at work... It can handle an all steel buggy that weighed a minimum of 1200 (maybe 1500) lbs PLUS a full tank of water, PLUS food, PLUS clothing, PLUS gear, PLUS bedding and other odds and ends...

I say, if a prospective buyer has MORE shit to load into it than I ever did he'll need a bigger trailer. I would worry more about what the truck he intends on pulling it with can handle. The trailer is a middle of the road build... not a Weekend Warrior that could handle carrying a tank insdie and not a feather lite that'll handle only a couple quads or bikes.

This is the way I look at things...

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