gday all, im rob,,from bunbury west australia 6230

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gday all, im rob,,from bunbury west australia 6230
gday all, im rob,,from bunbury west australia 6230
hey guys, thanks for the heads up mihylo about DBA, i am sussing it out, looks good, no riding here in west oz at the hot and dusty so am getting my 2 vintage bikes ready cheers guys robROB!!!!!!!
G'day Mate!
hey guys, thanks for the heads up mihylo about DBA, i am sussing it out, looks good, no riding here in west oz at the hot and dusty so am getting my 2 vintage bikes ready cheers guys rob
Hello folks,
just wanted to say Hello an introduce myself. live on a small island in north eastern Canada.
riding a YZ 250
Postal Code is; G0G 1N0 ( for the map...)
Nice, I see you have the only real bike made on the planet, everything else is second best.Hello folks,
just wanted to say Hello an introduce myself. live on a small island in north eastern Canada.
riding a YZ 250
Postal Code is; G0G 1N0 ( for the map...)