New here

Hi I'm new here I ride a very fast 2004 CRF150F stage 3 hotcams weisco pistons bore to a 175 FMF powercore 2 exhaust and some other odds and ends. My Refferer was AgentOrange I found about the site by a flier he posted in the school and it said say AgentOrange Reffered you so..... bye


Staff member
Hi I'm new here I ride a very fast 2004 CRF150F stage 3 hotcams weisco pistons bore to a 175 FMF powercore 2 exhaust and some other odds and ends. My Refferer was AgentOrange I found about the site by a flier he posted in the school and it said say AgentOrange Reffered you so..... bye
:lol: Really? I have to see this, can one of you post a picture?

:cheers: Welcome Terrence, have any pictures of your fast ride?
Welcome bro! My old bike was a CRF150F (2006) and i about destroyed it riding like i do. Of corse i didn't have not one of those goodies that you do.


Staff member
I am new too, could some one tell me how to change my picture? This site sorta confuses me but im also forum stupid:noidea:
:cheers: Welcome Cable, I see that you ventured out of your "spot". :smirk::thumb:

Here's the shortcut to changing your avatar.

Like Hawk said, everything can be changed by clicking the settings button top right. (Look on the left side of the page for the different settings/options)

If you have any questions just ask.:ride:

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