Amatuer Introducing the 2011 checkpoint enduro championship!!!



Round 1 - 01/16/11 - LUCERNE VALLEY,CA
Round 2 - 02/27/11 - LUCERNE VALLEY, CA
Round 3 - 03/20/11 - RED MOUNTAIN, CA
Round 4 - 04/10/11 - LUCERNE VALLEY, CA
Round 5 - 05/15/11 - GORMAN, CA
Round 6 - 09/18/11 - ANZA, CA
Round 7 - 10/16/11 - RED MOUNTAIN, CA
Round 8 - 11/14/11 - LUCERNE VALLEY, CA

CHECK OUT for more info!!


Early this year, Freshman Enduro Steward Joe Bianchi and District 37 President Jerry Grabow started brainstorming a way to grow the District 37 Enduro Series back to its former greatness. At one point the Enduro series was where true champions were made and now is all but looked over among the other D37 desert events.

They found that there were several KEY areas in which the District 37 Enduro series was falling short:

Lack of Publicity - No one really knows that we have an enduro series. Its 5 rounds smashed in between 40 desert races with an asterix reading "also pays desert points"

Lack of General Knowledge - peope just dont know what an enduro is or how they would do it. No one has taken the time to show them or they have not taken the time to learn.

Loss of Family Atmosphere - while few of the enduros still hold family rides on saturday there are some clubs that just dont have the man power. The courses are often to difficult to bring family members on and it becomes a Sunday only event.

To Help address these problems and add more to the series Bianchi and Grabow recruited 4 Aces Enduro racer Kelly Christensen to head up a committee of Enduro clubs to band together, pull the series out from the shadows of the Desert Races and create a family environment while still maintaining the elite competition that District 37 Enduro is known for. The Enduro Clubs - 4 Aces MC, Prospectors MC, Training Wheels MC, United MC, Ventura County MC - have formed the Western Enduro Promoters group (WEPG) and bring you the 2011 Checkpoint Enduro Championship.


The main goals of the CHEC:

-Promote the series with a stand alone website where riders can get updates, results, point standings, event information, contact their steward, helpfull hints and get redirected to the Enduro Message Board.

-Expand ridership by offereing more rider friendly, yet still challenging, courses with the 3 loop format. 1st loop fun, 2nd loop challenging, 3rd loop difficult.

-Host the new Family Enduro Series which will take place the saturday prior to every enduro and will provide a fun safe way to train, leard and teach Enduro. People will have the opportunity to ride with Pro's and the more experienced riders and learn first hand how an enduro is ridden.

-Additionally, expand ridership by promoting the series and highlighting it among the D37 desert races as the "Thinking Man's Race" where you get all the same terrain and MORE that you would get in a desert race without the bomb run and "hold it to the yolk" riding style needed for normal desert races.

-Recruit new and old riders into Enduro Clubs and District 37 Clubs alike to help keep Desert events alive. With more Club participation organize more Enduro events to fill out a complete 8 Schedule comprised of only Enduro Events.

-As a long term goal the WEPG will expand the Enduro series beyond District 37 and work towards creating a National Western or Regional AMA series.

Chair - Kelly Christensen
Vice Chair - Erek Kudla
Steward - Joe Bianchi
Sectretary - Steve Dombovary
Treasurer - Richie Wohlers
Family Enduro - Rob Wranosky

download the press release for information >> HERE

For additional information email
First round in the books, sounds like nobody from here went out to this event. :( I wonder how it went? Looks like the family run had a good turn out, no results from the Enduro yet.
First round in the books, sounds like nobody from here went out to this event. :( I wonder how it went? Looks like the family run had a good turn out, no results from the Enduro yet.

Maybe we should do the Red Mountain event for your first time back on the bike. You could educate me and my boys on what to expect as it would be our first race.

by the way - do I need to get out of second gear in one of these events?

Round 3 - 03/20/11 - RED MOUNTAIN, CA

Anyone care to give this a try with me and my boys? It would be our first desert race experience. I assume just show up and register and someone will be there to point me in the right direction?
Anyone care to give this a try with me and my boys? It would be our first desert race experience. I assume just show up and register and someone will be there to point me in the right direction?

Rack, that is exactly what I would love to do with my son. As you are likely aware, he only races MX and I won't go near an MX track. I sure wish we had something like that closer to home. You could have a blast with your boys. :thumb:
Anyone care to give this a try with me and my boys? It would be our first desert race experience. I assume just show up and register and someone will be there to point me in the right direction?
You riding both events (family on Sat, race on Sun)? You will all need to be AMA and D37 members for the Sunday event. Also if your lovely pit supporter is not going out with you, you should head over to the D37 website and read up on the sign-up rules for minors under 18.

I should be able to pull the bike off the stand by then, maybe I'll talk to the manager and see if she wants to go out. I only raced a couple of Enduros and never had timing or roll chart equipment on my bike. I just keyed of the guy I was with on my minute. Luckily for me, he was good and fast, so we finished well. Also, not sure how many you can get on one minute. It is either 3 or 4. If I was to ride with you and it was only 3, I could sign up on the minute behind you and just hope I still have good balancing skills if a check runs up on us too soon. Being early is worst than being Late. But hey, it's all for good fun right..:devil:
You riding both events (family on Sat, race on Sun)? You will all need to be AMA and D37 members for the Sunday event. Also if your lovely pit supporter is not going out with you, you should head over to the D37 website and read up on the sign-up rules for minors under 18.

I should be able to pull the bike off the stand by then, maybe I'll talk to the manager and see if she wants to go out. I only raced a couple of Enduros and never had timing or roll chart equipment on my bike. I just keyed of the guy I was with on my minute. Luckily for me, he was good and fast, so we finished well. Also, not sure how many you can get on one minute. It is either 3 or 4. If I was to ride with you and it was only 3, I could sign up on the minute behind you and just hope I still have good balancing skills if a check runs up on us too soon. Being early is worst than being Late. But hey, it's all for good fun right..:devil:

Don't know. I would like to but I have NO CLUE what I am doing. It would be nice to go with someone that has raced before.
Anyone care to give this a try with me and my boys? It would be our first desert race experience. I assume just show up and register and someone will be there to point me in the right direction?

You riding both events (family on Sat, race on Sun)? You will all need to be AMA and D37 members for the Sunday event. Also if your lovely pit supporter is not going out with you, you should head over to the D37 website and read up on the sign-up rules for minors under 18.

I should be able to pull the bike off the stand by then, maybe I'll talk to the manager and see if she wants to go out. I only raced a couple of Enduros and never had timing or roll chart equipment on my bike. I just keyed of the guy I was with on my minute. Luckily for me, he was good and fast, so we finished well. Also, not sure how many you can get on one minute. It is either 3 or 4. If I was to ride with you and it was only 3, I could sign up on the minute behind you and just hope I still have good balancing skills if a check runs up on us too soon. Being early is worst than being Late. But hey, it's all for good fun right..:devil:

Don't know. I would like to but I have NO CLUE what I am doing. It would be nice to go with someone that has raced before.

Timing.......that ought to bring up the "that means I have to shift into 4th gear" signal......:P...actually it sounds like fun! :thumb:

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