No Nukes !

And potentially hazardous to your health! In the years to come there will be lots of "legal wrangling" over this incident.
The thing is you have to compare it to other energy options. Oil, gas and especially coal have killed countless thousands. They just don't make the same news though. I'm not discounting the disaster that is unfolding. It's really really bad. It has the real potential to get vastly worse. We do need to get rid of these old designs. They are dangerous.

What's up with keeping the spent fuel right at the reactor? Not a good idea. Clustering 6 of them in one place? Not a good idea. There are more of these bad ideas in play at the location of these accidents.

The news does really play it up. Did you know that the first meltdown in the US happened just a few miles outside the city limits of Los Angeles in 1959. Yes, a partial meltdown. Never heard of it? It was way worse than Three Mile Island. Was California rendered uninhabitable? Of course not. The current events unfolding in Japan are much worse though.

All energy sources have significant dangers.

The Santa Suzana Field Lab
come on down to Diablo canyon or San Onfre. We have two of them you can pick from.:rolleyes: Right on the coast to and I'm sure we are storing spent rods right next to the reactor too.:naughty:
come on down to Diablo canyon or San Onfre. We have two of them you can pick from.:rolleyes: Right on the coast to and I'm sure we are storing spent rods right next to the reactor too.:naughty:
Of course we are cause the ecotards will not let us do the safe thing like reprocess them further. We are stuck in the 60-70s instead of using the latest tech cause the ecotards think solar is worth a turd. We have Vallecitos, used for research....:prof:
Pffffft! Better bilt, Nuke reactors, less susceptible to earth's bitching as it goes on living, is the way to go! Build more nuke plants! Oil is dead! Nuke is the future! Everyone is just shit scared of the old ones that can't take a punch!


Staff member
Of course we are cause the ecotards will not let us do the safe thing like reprocess them further. We are stuck in the 60-70s instead of using the latest tech cause the ecotards think solar is worth a turd. We have Vallecitos, used for research....:prof:
:thumb: Damn ecotards, I swear they do more harm then good. :foul:
Nuclear power does seem like the way of the future though.
Every time there is a disaster, there is a shout out to reinvent the wheel. Cleonard's answer is right on point. There is danger with everything. Remember the natural gas/oil explosion in the bay area? If it is your time, it is your time. Rack is right though. Fingerpointing and lawsuits will fly when everything settles down. :rolleyes::rolleyes:
Every time there is a disaster, there is a shout out to reinvent the wheel. Cleonard's answer is right on point. There is danger with everything. Remember the natural gas/oil explosion in the bay area? If it is your time, it is your time. Rack is right though. Fingerpointing and lawsuits will fly when everything settles down. :rolleyes::rolleyes:

When there are Human's involed, there will be error,,,no one is perfect.:prof:

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