125R or 250F

i have tried all kinds of weights on everything. my 125's are the only bikes i take them back off of. as Night says, they have enough trouble getting up on the pipe to start with, and mine are overbores. i think i might like a rekluse clutch on one though.
I think i will just keep my Yz and buy some parts to help it be a better trail bike. So far im thinking go up about 2 teeth on the rear sprocket, get some hand guards, i dont think i will get a FWW. I kind of like the light throttle response and i do a pretty good job of keeping it in the power band most of the time. Also a good skid plate and a 144 bore kit after a while.
I heard a flywheel weight improve low end power and keep the bike from dying while braking.

It won't improve power at all, just make what power it has easier to handle on the trail it will allow the engine to idle lower, not stall as easily, smooth out the power, slow down the time it takes to rev, make it easier to start, it will help out if your on tight woods riding or single track stuff.
I heard a flywheel weight improve low end power and keep the bike from dying while braking.

As Steve says, the flywheel doesnt do anything for the power out put. If you are just learning though it will help you keep from stalling when you start off or brake hard at slow speeds. for the money though I consider it a waste on a 125. putting the money towards something else, including a rekluse or similar clutch will probably make you happier. But it is a pretty commonly repeated "story" that a heavier flywheel increases torque.