RM125 87 & 88 rm125

it still leaked a bit today, 1 or 2 drops right when the bike was first started and then another drop right after i stopped riding, it seems like im missing something... but either way, if there is a problem it will be totally resolved by next spring :thumb:

Where was it leaking from?
well i would like to thank everyone for reminding me to clean my front brake rotor! :moon:

I had so much oil on there that my bald back tire gave me more stopping capability, and lets just say i about pooped myself a couple time :eek:
You riding it this weekend with no clutch cable :shocked:

i have a clutch cable, its just all messed up, the mid-cable adjuster was seized and it snapped when i went to shorten the cable a little, so i had electrical tape on it for now to keep dust and fluids out of the cable
holy shit :eek: :crash:
my 125 will really go! It's pretty rich right now, so I think I need to drop my needle 1 spot. but we rode a good 32 miles today, hopefully Rob will get the vids edited and up in the next day or 2 so i can post them :ride: