Also the manual I have is downloaded from offline not sure if it really is specific to my year? So far it seems to be targeted towards my year. I just know that my year is like obsolete and a bit different then newer models. Detailed pics and a full day of riding this weekend should tell us everything. I'm not sure where my float is suppose to be adjusted heighth wise. My bike is a 96 250 sx if you find any info spec wise I'll take it thanks.
if it is a keihin pwk it should be set at 16mm. tuners pick float settings like they do other jetting, but they know how to jet for the float setting they pick. floats cause the rig to run richer as they come out of adjustment. the key to a good clean shutoff is to have the maximum leverage off the float arms at shutoff. SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO you want the float arms to be at an exact right angle with the float needle as the extended tip of the needle makes contact with the float tang that it rides on. go very far one way or the other and you start losing said leverage. you can as mentioned jet for reasonable deviations, but you have to know what to return to.
FYI those guys who used to ride carbureted bikes that you read about winning nationals all had their floats set before the event and maybe even during the event. it affects how the rig runs all the way across the board. biggest cause of fouling and flooding in coasting mode that there is.