look closely at the darkness of the picture
DOH....right next to the tree over the old guys shoulder?????
look closely at the darkness of the picture
Nice deer, and you look kina cute
Well thats not it guys, I had another tag so we went out looking for that big whitetail and couldn't find him anywhere. One of the ranchers said he saw it moving out yesterday, and it hasn't returned yet. So we came back around thinking that we weren't going to find anything for the night, until we came across the 5x5 whitetail below. Now he is a nice buck, we saw him off the back road and watched him go into a tree row. So we went around, got out of the truck and walked up on him to about 275 yards out. I leaned up on a hay bail and took my shot. Dumped him where he stood, took my eyes off him for a second, and my dad said he got back up, so I followed him with my scope, he ran about 50 more yards (hard to believe), and dropped in the trees. Went up to him gutted him out and couldn't believe he ran, his heart was blown in half literally haha. Then when we got him back to the truck we noticed his eye was missing to, he must have torn it when he went down. But thats it for my rifle bucks, now all I need is my archery and a few does and Im done. I love it... two nice clean kills in a row, doesnt get any better than that.
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Sorry for the graphic pics, like I said I hit his heart and his lungs so he wasn't doing to good.
Blue Beast!
Awesome! Nice camo by-the-way! That is cool as hell!
I wish I had snow to hunt in this coming Monday for deer gun season in Ohio! Man! That is the best!
My cadre' only hunts with muzzies....one opportunity, one shot, one kill. I like that! When you have the snow, the deer just POP in the woods and you can make a decided trigger pull and a head shot on a doe, or a boiler room shot on a nice buck!
Kudos to you!
Turkeys are in season in Ohio, and I will treat my family to a fresh one this T Day! I got my limit already. Actually, they are so prolific on my land, they are like rats! It's fun to chase them in the fall if you know their habits! Way fun!
You can see what I mean:
I just set a camera up for a 24 hr period and it took 160 pictures. Unfortunately, the flash did not work at dusk, night, or dawn.
Kill em' and grill em!
Blue Beast!
Y Dog, bring your dad and yourself! You are always welcome to cull some of these turkeys!
Yeah the camo was a K-mart special .
I know what you mean about the turkeys. they are everywhere here, just the other day we saw a bunch of them on a ranchers land, and when we talked to him he said he counted nearly 200 in the field. It's so easy to kill them here.
Thats a nice little whitetail at the bottom there. I still have my archery tag left so im going to see if I can ge another one, see what my new 70 pound draw bow and my 100 grain muzzy broad heads can do to a deer . And as for the does I use my Ruger SR-556 (see below) with the EoTech sight on them, good head popper.
Good luck with the hunt man, post what ya get. Have a good turkey day .
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I won't shoot anything on my land that isn't Pope and Young or Boone and Crockett. That's the deal! You can shoot does, but if you come back to my camp with a small buck, I'm gonna kick your ass! And You won't be back next year! That being said, we have a lot fewer people in camp this year. And that is good! Jeez, very few people really know how to hunt, huh?
Ah all the past kills, and this is just a few.
This is my big muley I shot a few years back
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This is my Uni-Elk I shot, shit 5 or 6 years back. It has one antler growing from the front of its head. We thought it broke its skull and it healed that way, but it turns out that its a disease that they get here.
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Here is my bothers first and only buck/deer. He doesn't care for hunting that much, oh well more for me
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My dad's big ass muley, this drag sucked. 2 miles, 215 pound deer, and uneven terrain. just about damn near killed our selves haha.
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I have many more under my belt, if I put a mark in my rifle stock for every deer I killed, it would be a toothpick by now .
Very cool! Nice pcs! I hear ya! These deer feed me throughout the year. And the meat is better than a butchers beef steak, no? Anybody that does not think so never had it cut up right and cooked properly.
We butcher our own beef, must say it is superb