Injured Barona Oaks MX - Crash Report - Graphic Images

So PBK is in town and we decided to head on out to Barona Oaks MX to :ride:. We were having a great time. I felt really good all day long. I just got the new back tire and rim and that thing was HOOKING up today. first few laps i was even over shooting some of the jumps and i was hitting the in field big hit flawlessly all day and i tripled a jump that i normally double. I even had people tell me that i look fast out there :wow: that's a new one for me. I was pushing myself in corners on some laps and i was feeling good.

THEN PBK says im done and i tell him i NEVER say this is my last run i ride till my body tells me to go home. So i head out on the track and im doing fine. i then head towards the finish line table top which i would say is prolly a 40 to 50 footer. Now this is where im not too sure exactly what happened but it can only be 1 of two things... either i got a flat before i left the lip and it sent me sideways or i just got squirrely and when i landed it popped the bead. Either way when i landed i washed out and rolled.

Took some knarly rashes on the arm and knee. but the worst was because of my shitastic boots i rolled my ankle. Its swollen and hurts but i can wiggle all my toes and have movement in all directions. So now i borrowed some crutches from good ol mom and im gonna have to baby this thing. I know from past injurys skateboarding that bad sprains can last up to 6 weeks which i am dreading the thought of not being able to ride :picard:. i haven't gone to a dr. as im pretty sure i know whats wrong but if in 1 week i don't see some kind of improvement i will go to the dr and make sure it is NOT a fracture.

here is video of the crash..... warning tho at the end is pics of the aftermath so if blood makes you :puke: i suggest stopping when you see the text that says Aftermath.


Staff member
Is it just me or does it look like you came up a little short and bounced/bunny hopped?

:thumb:Glad you're going to be fine. What type of boots do you wear?
Cool video to bad it had to be you making it. Sorry about the crash that sucks. The rear of the bike definitly goes to your right when you hit the ground!
It looks like you landed a little short and bunny hopped side ways also looks like the rear tire was already flat at that point.
Your rear seems to bounce sideways and up how's your rebound setup on the rear shock ?
it didnt feel like i landed short but now that you guys point it out the back tire very well could have landed right at the top of the landing.

ohh and james... Fly Mavericks. they are cheap 99 dollar boots. i got them back in April and they were all i could really afford at the time. I really REALLY!!!! want those SIDI crossfires now.


Staff member
it didnt feel like i landed short but now that you guys point it out the back tire very well could have landed right at the top of the landing.

ohh and james... Fly Mavericks. they are cheap 99 dollar boots. i got them back in April and they were all i could really afford at the time. I really REALLY!!!! want those SIDI crossfires now.
I also started out with $100 boots (Thor) and a $80 helmet (HJC), but those are 2 things I will not skimp money on anymore. I've been thinking about getting new boots myself, had my mind set on Tech 10's but after that boots thread I'm not sure anymore.
Dude, that sucks! I especially liked the squeeking noises as you got up though. That was neat. I am sorry about your wreck. Those raspberries are the worst as they just seem to sting forever.

:shocked: Nasty Trav... I am no doctor... But I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express one time. I think your ankle is broke... Go get it checked out.

And for the rest of you on here. For the last :foul: time. Stay in first gear. :smirk:

Best wishes Trav on a speedy recovery.

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