You're close enough that Silverton CO should be on your vacation spot list, I would suggest Arrastra Red from the Golden Block Brewery.Leinenkugel's Creamy Dark when I can get it (gotta be up Nort dontcha know), Labatt's Blue (even further up Nort eh), or Michelob Golden Draft will work, but most days it's Bud Light. And don't razz me about it either, because I went to college dammit and I know how to survive and drink cheap beer!
Now maybe if I would have graduated college I wouldn't have to drink cheap beer, but that's another story for another time.
Nocturnum is my Holiday beer. Every year since I have been 21, I have sought it out.
It's dark, very nutty, and has a strange belgian hops flavor akin to a 'spiced fruit.'
Also see:
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It's ok to cheat ever now and again. A slice of toast with butter and marmalade is almos as good as a cold beer.