Best looking motocross bikes ever???

What's your top 3 or 5 best looking motocross bikes of the last 30 years?
Pics welcome!
No works bikes please! Or hybrids MR500!!!!
And in case you think I'm picking on you, my bike doesn't apply either!
I will post my top 5 after a good think!
Hey Dennis, the quote above was my first post on this thread and it seems you may have missed the NO HYBRIDS part, I really do like the 500AF :thumb: and Ive been Honda through and through since I was 4 years old :ride: but I would much rather have a factory team works RM250 :hail:than your SH 500, which isn't really too hard to come by whereas bobs bike is quite litteraly unobtanium!!!!!:cool::cool::cool:
I did start another thread for works and after market tuned bikes like yours but as a few folk have missed the original post its all good and I might as well stick up a pic of the bike I built :smirk:
Hey Dennis, the quote above was my first post on this thread and it seems you may have missed the NO HYBRIDS part, I really do like the 500AF :thumb: and Ive been Honda through and through since I was 4 years old :ride: but I would much rather have a factory team works RM250 :hail:than your SH 500, which isn't really too hard to come by whereas bobs bike is quite litteraly unobtanium!!!!!:cool::cool::cool:
I did start another thread for works and after market tuned bikes like yours but as a few folk have missed the original post its all good and I might as well stick up a pic of the bike I built :smirk:

I had no intentions of posting any pictures of my bike. I committed on James's bike and the PC bikes as to being nice bikes. Bobkyle2 posted a picture of his RM250. I said No Way possible to be even close to be picked. He posted his commit about the CR500. I posted a picture of my bikes to show that his RM250 is not as nice as both my bikes. I agree with you as far as the thread title. But bobkyle2 RM250 is far from looking like a FACTORY bike. Plus my 2000 CR500 on the right of my picture is not a HYBRID. Just because I posted my opinion on bobkyle2's bike. Why do I have to defend myself because I posted a picture of My bikes.??? Let's start another thread titled Best Looking Factory Bikes You will Never Own Or Ride....
I had no intentions of posting any pictures of my bike. I committed on James's bike and the PC bikes as to being nice bikes. Bobkyle2 posted a picture of his RM250. I said No Way possible to be even close to be picked. He posted his commit about the CR500. I posted a picture of my bikes to show that his RM250 is not as nice as both my bikes. I agree with you as far as the thread title. But bobkyle2 RM250 is far from looking like a FACTORY bike. Plus my 2000 CR500 on the right of my picture is not a HYBRID. Just because I posted my opinion on bobkyle2's bike. Why do I have to defend myself because I posted a picture of My bikes.??? Let's start another thread titled Best Looking Factory Bikes You will Never Own Or Ride....
I give zero flucks about ANY CR500. I just recently started hating them for some weird reason. I built my bike. :)
Sorry but I deleted the pics of my bike cos it don't belong here!
Ok I tried to do the above but it just changed the pics to thumbnails which I can't remove!


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Holy FU** did you not read my post completely? I never said my CR500af was not a hybrid.!!! Of course it is a hybrid.!!!! My 2000 CR500 is not a hybrid.!!! :doh: :doh: You are calling me DUMB. :picard:
Not mine any more but I did buy and restore her so it is and always will be my creation with my own personal touches added for a little extra flava no matter where she ends up :banana:
I sold her on to someone who will race her in this years Dave Thorpe evo class series in England which kicks off on the 30th of this month!
See YouTube for footage of last seasons races:thumb:
You all tell me to chill and get off this 500 thing. Well I do but, then someone else brings up the fact that I own, ride and race a CR500af. When they see me posting on a thread in which I did not say anything about my bike or a 500. So you tell me did I do anything wrong? I respected the thread first posted commit up until the point to where you mentioned my bike. How many post did you post that had nothing to do with the thread titles? I know about 20 or so on threads I started. I thought this thread would have been good to see other bikes and ideas on what to do to the bikes I own. I guess I was wrong.

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