The 300 RR 2T first year production was #1 in DR mag, however, the shoot out made it 3rd under KTM, Berg, Beta, because the riders felt that the suspension wasn't spot on, even with adjustments. Thats why Webb is kicking ass on it right? LO fucking L.... Didn't you post that video? My 520 (498 cc) out did the KTM 500 in it's shoot out if I remember correctly. and IMO, a bike is as good as the rider mounting it and using it for what they intended. I have ridden KTMs, Only one I ever liked was the 2013 350 (EXC?) Dual Sport 4T.
You would never find a beanpole turd from Washington on a sweet machine like these. Can only afford second hand, clapped out, dinosaurs.
I am an ASS not a PUSS, one is exit only. Thanks....