Bike for a woman?


Staff member
Brought it home tonight...wife hates it.

Too tall for her. Says she doesn’t feel confident on it because she has to be on her toes to touch. Looks like I’ll be punting this one. I’m beginning to think the wife likes the idea of riding more than actually doing it.
Sorry to hear that, Bud!
I can change the name of your thread to "BIKE OR A WOMAN?" if that fits better... -BIG DAN:thumb:
Too tall for her. Says she doesn’t feel confident on it because she has to be on her toes to touch
Sounds like its perfect for her.
Have her put 5-6 hours on it and see if she changes her mind. My guess is she will learn to love it.
She’s scared of it. She can barely touch on her tiptoes. To get one foot flat on the group, it leans the bike over way too far and she can’t hold it for long. Unfortunately I don’t think there’s any talking her into it. She won’t even try it. I’ll just clean it up and resell it.
Maybe try setting the race sag as was mentioned, or the lowering link that Mikey linked...?
It sounds to me like its the perfect bike for her. Having a small amount of fear when riding a motorcycle for the first time is A GOOD THING!