Injured broken femur and altering crash that i dont remember

im new to being on a forum...i cant believe how many messages i have!!!...I would have checked sooner but I wasent sure how to work this....I do have some super narely pictures, but not sure how to upload them?...can anyone help?:rolleyes:......I though I was the only one who did the one last ride:shocked::lol:
so far from allthese messages ive gotten some great laughs:thumb: thanks!!! this is fun! you guys are great!... and I guess im not the only one out there thats busted up!.....yeah I know it goes with the sport...Ive had multiple crashes...this one being the most severe.....Ihave had two broken that needed a plate....and all kinds of crashes without broken bones that were not that fun.....with this crash im up to about 200K...thank god for insurance!!!!....started physical therapy today and Im super excited to get my range of motion back!!!! so Im 100% dedicated to it! 3 times a week for 10 weeks!.....and yes, no more track riding for sticking to the desert and fun camping trips :ride:


Staff member
ohh how do you reply to each post? such an amateur:thinking:
Click the Multi-Quote button below each post you wish to qoute and then hit Reply.

Click the "Insert Image" button found in the middle'ish of the editor buttons.

Sorry I'd explain it better but I'm on my phone.