Fujifilm Finepix AX550.... $79 at Kmart.. Camera is :tits:
WTF and here I spent a fortune on a lens that has this shallow of a depth of focus.I did have a Fuji... That was decent, if i must say...Till my 4yr old nephew borrowed it.
Screwed up shots that the focus was getting a work out....
I think it was like a 2mp...Fuji... I gave 40bucks for it at a pawn shop... ... Its broken now
Megapixels don't really mean squat.THe one I bought has 16 megapixels
Megapixels don't really mean squat.
To quote a infamous DBAer "I give ZERO fucks!".
For the record mine has 16.2 megapixels so...
Megapixels don't really mean squat.
Ditto. My current primary lens new is ~5x what the camera body cost. However on the flip side, lenses last for a long time. I could see my current lens lasting me for 5-10 years, while camera body's tend to be upgraded every couple years. Lenses also have higher resale valve.Your camera is only as good as your glass (lense). Put a crappy lense on a very high dollar camera and you will be disappointed.
In hindsight I really wish I would've gotten the D7000 from the start. I'm now looking to off load my D5100 and 55-200mm lens, so if you know anyone....Upgraded to a D7000. Couldn't be happier.
If you're going to go that route (new) be sure to get the D3200 as the D3100 was discontinued some time ago. Or bump up to the D5100 as it has a better image sensor.I've been eye'ing the D3100 ... Might not be anytime soon. I'm sorta looking to buy new. If i find a better camera for the same price used i might look into.