Other Clutch not disengaging?

the revving it up and that breaking the clutch loose is a classic sign of bad oil, bad plates either warped or coming apart. If the bike now doesn't turn over the first questions are, Is it in neutral and wont turn over or is it in gear and wont turn over?


Staff member
so where is this clutch he was holding?
You know better than to listen to the OP... :smirk:
It could be an SSR with an aftermarket manual clutch installed, but looks like a Lifan to me. Perhaps we will find this mystery out together.-BIG DAN:thumb:
hondas in the 60's would disengage with a partial movement of the shift lever or stay disengaged after the shift if the pedal was held. in that case we are looking a little deeper


Staff member
hondas in the 60's would disengage with a partial movement of the shift lever or stay disengaged after the shift if the pedal was held. in that case we are looking a little deeper
That is still the case. Infact, you can 'pop' the auto clutch by releasing the gear lever with it reved up.

Looking at some pictures online it seems he does have a manual clutch installed from SSR. I've never seen one personally, but I've never seen a plastic jet either. :noidea:
I imagine this clutch works the same as the japanese models. -BIG DAN:thumb:
I will bring you some plastic jets, you can use them to amaze/amuse your friends. So far I have only seen the Amal design jets. (As in the japanese didn't invent anything there. same as large hex mikuni.)
Well it's not turning over in any gear or neutral. I see what's going on kinda. Just not sure what to do. Cam/timing chain not moving much when I push the starter lever. So there's that. The clutch is getting better with my new oil. Clutch ain't my problem now.
So my grandfather says it doesn't appear to be a friction clutch. Also I have no idea who made my bike. Only that it was imported by xiongtai. Origin: China 107cc 2007 model. The old bodywork had a thing that said "speedee" but anyway, the timing chain only moves sometimes. Not sure what's going on. I do have a pair of numbers above my foot pegs if those help.
if you have socket wrench that will go over the nut on the flywheel end of the crankshaf see if you can turn it over that way. turn it easily. pop those screw covers over the valves while you do that.
if you have socket wrench that will go over the nut on the flywheel end of the crankshaf see if you can turn it over that way. turn it easily. pop those screw covers over the valves while you do that.
Wouldn't move fast enough.