Congratulations! To Palmer

Little babies are amazing! Your daughter and grand daughter are fortunate to have parents and grandparents like you and grandma ass!
You have as much right to call Mrs. P841 an ASS as I do Mrs. DICK! :smirk:
Congrats Palmer ASS!! Bust some PM's out wit details and me and jersey M will get it done RJ.

I was nuttin but a 17yo swinging dick, NO NOT YOU RACK, when I decided to be a daddy. I manned up, went to work and provided,,, me and the misses are still strong. Treeclimber on the green machine be that accident for all who met him on east coast ride :smirk:

Good for you Jax, I was 26 and the Mrs. was 24, I did the honorable thing and we still be hanging together after 5 more! Last one is 16.
Congrats on becoming a grandparent! In a few months my parents will also be getting their first granddaughter, plus I'm going to become an uncle. :banana:

We all know that Palmers an ass, but I've never met Mrs. Palmer, can't imagine that she's an ass. :noidea: :stirthepot:

Thanks James or, Uncle James soon!!
Went to visit today, Do I look like a happy Grand Dad????


Here is the older Myra (not oldest) sister come to visit as well.

I have been scolded! Her name is with a "Y" Evelyn. OOOOOOOPPPPPPPSSSSS........
:thumb: Palmer and you do look pretty happy. From what I see how you interact with your kids, this little girl is going to get top notch Grandpa service.
OK, I sent my congrats via other threads and texts "AT MIDNIGHT FRIDAY NIGHT... :foul:...:smirk:" no realy, I did!!! So I might as well put it in here to...

Congratulations GrandpappyPalmer..... :thumb:.... :P How come Big Dan has a picture of you "the morning after"??? :eek: that's messed up!