I wasn't too far away from Goodwood today picking up a little green 1996 Peugeot 306 XsS
Peugeot 308 GTI world debut was at the Goodwood Festival this year too and although it's an ugly little fukr I'll bet it's like a mini rally car with 270 hp at the wheels!
oddly enough, I know where (among other things) a pacer with all the glass intact is.I'm pretty sure if you gave the murphmobile a shot of the sauce.....it could do that run in 8 minutes flat.
View attachment 26861
oddly enough, I know where (among other things) a pacer with all the glass intact is.
I'd snap that little gem up before someone else does.
Good old trusty old shit that's paid itself off a thousand times over and a bit!!!!!!!! Fkn luv it man!!!!!
I stole that from a road test about a new z06 that blew up on its test driver, his words not mine.Hey @snowflake let me know if you ever run over your crankshaft as I might just implode with laughter (Soz if you did already) never seen that happen yet! Almost wet at the thought of it tbh and I only drive old shit ( 2003 peugeot 307 SW SE110 family wagon + 1996 306 xsS buggy;-) honestly wish you could drive it to understand )