I didn't start riding until I was 29 and the only people I had to ride with were friends that I convinced to buy a dirt bike. Fast forward 18 years and most of them have given it up or moved away. I either ride alone or on forum rides a lot of the time. I can still get my old friends out to some desert rides and perhaps a weekend up at KM in the summer. I'm sure that over the years I have done many tens of thousands of solo riding both dirt and street. Now that I have a SPOT riding alone is less of a concern than it used to be. I am pretty much a self educated rider. I've spent a lot of time studying maps and exploring countless trails. These days most consider me the "knowledgeable" one as far as the experience and knowing a lot of trails go. I'm still learning and I sure don't feel too much that way about myself. There is always more out there to find.
I also have the feeling that at times I've doing that same begging to be included. When they see me at about weighing in at about 280 and see that I am on a XR600 they think that I ride fire road only. The reality is quite different. In fact most are pretty amazed at where I get my XR. I do have to say that almost without exception that the people I have met on these forums have been the nicest group you could hope to meet.
I guess that I ride the canyons a bit less traveled. I wouldn't describe then as "clogged." I guess I should count my blessings. I love passing the more capable bike on my old POS 1980 CM400.
I say bring those girls over. I just hope we don't push them away with the banter that occurs here. They are welcome as far as I'm concerned.
Hmm, weird. I usually take that as a sign that someone has a personality.
Now where will I ride today? A beer at Wrightwood or Camp Scheideck? It too hot for a dirt ride to Jawbone. Summer seems to finally have arrived.
I wish I had a spot and hope to get one someday. People tend to judge, myself included. Although I try not to but look how I dissed the bikers

Honestly, I enjoy riding alone. And most of my street rides are alone. Sometimes I'll do a group ride with good friends. One time I did a forum ride from Super Moto Junkie. I thought I'd intercept the group mid ride and join in. I didnt want to show up at the meeting place with all the sausage there. I figured I'd slip in mid ride and it would be less noticable. So as I rode up the snake to join them one crashed in front of me. Then when we got to the lookout where they took a break I found out they started with 30 people, had already had 3 crashes and the group got lost and split up into 3 groups by accident. After I took off with them to ride I found myself pumped up and wanting to prove myself. It was scary. I dont have leathers. I dont have years and years of street skills. But that pack mentality sets in and suddenly there I am hammering to stay in the front. After that ride I chimed in and said someone is going to die on one of these rides. They were planning another one two weeks later. People come from all over to do these rides. Not everyone knows the canyons like some of the others do. So sure enough I get bashed by a few guys for for my comment of "you should take it to the track if your gonna ride like that on the street, as in extremely competitive and in a pack" A father and son came down for that next ride, they were on Topanga Cyn and hit a turn and went head on with an SUV. Father ran into son, the 23 year old son died and the father lost his leg. It was tragic! They pulled the thread after the accident. The real kicker was even after that some of the guys were saying "next time we need an A group and a B group. As if it were a

