Do you pack Heat?

it can take a whole lot longer with a large caliber rifle than you want sometimes. in those instances whatever you had just doesnt seem big enough at the moment.
it can take a whole lot longer with a large caliber rifle than you want sometimes. in those instances whatever you had just doesnt seem big enough at the moment.
No bout adoubt it. I had one go 100 yards after a double lung-heart shot with a .308. I was glad he decided to run away from me. Up close, OO Buck or a 12 ga. slug would be my choice, (if the bear wasn't to be released). You can't just make them leak, you have to break important parts and take them off their feet.
No bout adoubt it. I had one go 100 yards after a double lung-heart shot with a .308. I was glad he decided to run away from me. Up close, OO Buck or a 12 ga. slug would be my choice, (if the bear wasn't to be released). You can't just make them leak, you have to break important parts and take them off their feet.

I might have told you about coming on to a friend of mine who was looking for a 200ish blackbear he was sure he had hit. Mike couldn't track a dachshund in the snow. He had been scared I think and I had heard the shot a good 20 minutes before I found him looking. That one was heart and one lung hit. And a good 120 yds away. 338 with 225 noslers at a medium pace.

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