Don't Fence Me Out

Yup! Ran a loop a couple of months ago from the place that shall not be named to jawbone. Ran up and over them thar hills, through the snow and down some epic goat trails. Two of us were non-Plated and attempted to hook into the SMTS which I can confirm either no longer exists there or is 'misplaced' on the FOJ map... Anywho, ended up running slab for awhile, much to the dismay of
my green-stickered friends, until we dropped into a wash which lead us smack dab into the middle of the farm. As mentioned, they are f-ing big!

May tempt fate again this weekend!!

I heard there is wild, baby unicorns out there. Have fun and I hope you do a report:thumb:
You are crazy old fashinista bastard.:moon: Good Stuff.:thumb: BTW is the road up to Barren ridge still open?:thinking:

I am assuming that's aimed at me, yes, the trail up to Barren Ridge is still open, and I haven't seen any surveyors marking stakes in that area, yet.
CDA & Neversurfaced, I was trying not to use the "B" word, but you guys are correct in the location. Wonder if there are plans to put up turbines in the "Big brightly painted rock marking the entrance to........" area?