Dragon Racing Fuels - Concentrate

Has anybody seen this yet? Not like the other Octane Boosters out there, but actually claims to boost fuels up to 102 octane.

http://www.dragonracingfuels.com/images/Concentrate presser.pdf

Lafayette, IN - Dragon Racing Fuels is pleased to unveil its new Unleaded Racing Fuel Concentrate in 32 oz. cans. Designed for use in anything from jet skis and boats, snowmobiles, tuner cars, motorcycles and all other off-road applications Dragon Racing Fuel Concentrate is truly "horsepower in a bottle".

Not just an octane booster like you find on the shelves of a supercenter or parts store, the concentrate actually raises a premium pump gas up to a 102 octane racing fuel. Produced using today’s most advanced technology to bring you the greatest performance from an unleaded fuel. Safe for O2 sensors and catalytic converters. Dragon Racing Fuels is solely manufactured by Performance Products Inc. a division of Newton Oil Company Inc. based in Lafayette, Indiana. Dragon Racing Fuels can be purchased from elite distributors nationwide. Stay tuned for upcoming news from Team Dragon Racing Fuels.


Hey James, is this company out by you? You should contact them and see about getting some free samples for the So Cal Desert guys to test out. You can ship it or bring it with you to T-Day..:thumb:
Unless you are mixing one quart of that stuff with a gallon of pump gas, I just don't see it doing what it claims. The easy way to get a bit more octane is to buy some xylene at a paint supply place and mix it 10% or 20% with pump gas. It's already in pump gas so it's compatible. It works because xylene is 117 octane. Toluene works as well, but it is 114 octane. It is a bit more dense so it richens up the mix slightly. It's not exactly cheap, but neither is race gas.

Mixed with premium a 10% mix will give about 94 octane and 20% will get you to about 97.
Unless you are mixing one quart of that stuff with a gallon of pump gas, I just don't see it doing what it claims. The easy way to get a bit more octane is to buy some xylene at a paint supply place and mix it 10% or 20% with pump gas. It's already in pump gas so it's compatible. It works because xylene is 117 octane. Toluene works as well, but it is 114 octane. It is a bit more dense so it richens up the mix slightly. It's not exactly cheap, but neither is race gas.

Mixed with premium a 10% mix will give about 94 octane and 20% will get you to about 97.
I'm not a fan of octane boosters of any kind. I use to run Race gas back in the day, but I had a pretty modified motor and raced in the hot summer months as well. I was just think of some advertising ploy by James and he could get some and let us try it out and give our feedback...see if we see a difference in using the product or not.
I'm not a fan of octane boosters of any kind. I use to run Race gas back in the day, but I had a pretty modified motor and raced in the hot summer months as well. I was just think of some advertising ploy by James and he could get some and let us try it out and give our feedback...see if we see a difference in using the product or not.

James, send me some, and i'll give it good reviews, so you can advertise for them. win-win situation... :banana:


Staff member
I'm not a fan of octane boosters of any kind. I use to run Race gas back in the day, but I had a pretty modified motor and raced in the hot summer months as well.

I think there's a big misconception that the higher the octane the more power you have. There's no need for it, unless your engine actually needs a higher octane because of higher compression or something.
I was just think of some advertising ploy by James and he could get some and let us try it out and give our feedback...see if we see a difference in using the product or not.
If you're truly interested in doing a professional review of their product, I can check into it.
IDK. I've seen studies(look up octane boosters on youtube and a channel should be in the selections that tests 3, one of which i remember was NOS fuel octane booster) that showed that they actually lowered peek power and octane of the fuel itself.

IMO if you want more octane just go for race gas.

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