This reminds me of this Ken block video
thats one of his more tame vids Rack.... watch the Gymkhan ones
the guy is sick at the stunts.
this is his first year in the WRC tho and hes doing really bad. stunts he = the best. WRC he = noob
Great videos! It would be so much fun to be able to hang out with those guys and get an opportunity to jump in and give it a go. I wouldnt make a good pasenger though.
Wish we had ralley car racing here in the US. for that matter I wish we did this too! CA is too liability concious.
BTW...I love Top Gear!
And you raced? Some one needs a smaller counter shaft sprocket.
.........Might have been the pastel paint job...he slowed down so everyone could see it!
Some really fresh Drift! Amazing Hyper Spastic driving by Ken Block...this is his latest!
man i wish i could afford one of those cars! i like the older WRX though not the new hatchbacks... we had a track set up at the academy with water on it and bald tires on the crown vics which was fun but nothing like this stuff