Pat, I'd like to buy a vowel, can I have an I please...Can I have a T please, How about a more letters Your'e going to have to guess what is is...PAT is it BITC ????? YES it is...
Or was it BUTT ???
I'm gonna vote butt
Pat, I'd like to buy a vowel, can I have an I please...Can I have a T please, How about a more letters Your'e going to have to guess what is is...PAT is it BITC ????? YES it is...
Or was it BUTT ???
Too early Kimosabe. But it will not be dark... at least during the day, I promise... hey mr weathergeek man...what's the forecast for the Octember 22...besides "DARK"?
went hunting yesterday in the rain n snow on Beasore rd and area. About a foot up high at 10am or so. Saw no deer so headed back down to the snow line area to see if they were to be found. Was colder at the lower elev. Still raining when we left at 1130 am or so. Never saw a single deer....a friend did the same around Shaver-Courtrite, he too never saw any deer and it was still raining/snowing when he left late in the day. Said snow was over a foot and he had to turn around at one point.
Its gonna be wet from now on I think, at least that nice moist dirt.
Plenty of deer in my area
Rack, that is pretty much a "double dog dare ya" to Buck you know. You might want to think about deleting that pic Not telling, just saying