What are you talking about?
So you only have 12 bazillion acres?
Which is it, rough and tough or fabulously easy?
It depends on what flavor you like that day...wanna do hill climbs? How about fast trails that wind through giant rolling fields? How about the woods? Or a combination of climbs and woods? Wanna add water? How about some mud? We can do that!
Or, how about a cruise on some high speed reclaimed railroad right-of-ways with trails off-shooting every which way? Pick a trail! OR how about some really easy and fast gravel roads with nice sweepers? OR some gas line right of ways that stretch from here to eternity with lots of hills? I can go on forever...it's a smorgasbord! Take what you want, eat what you take! Difficulty is as hard as you want to make it.
For all intents and purposes, it's 12.0125 bazillion acres. Out here, you can ride totally unmolested. There is nobody around who gives a rat's ass. I always pack a heater, not for defense, but because you'll find something that needs a bullet in your journey. For fun!
Most of this part of the state is owned by coal companies. There are no law men here. There never has been any law unless you call them. Even if you do, get ready to wait 1+ hours. I've given up calling the cops when my cabin gets broken into...it's as close to being a "yee-hah!" free for all as you'll ever see in America.
I love it and I hate it sometimes. I've gotten smarter over the years, so I'm leaning towards the love side.
Addendum: 3 years ago, my "neighbor" 2 miles down the road had his 72 year old ticker stop ticking the way it should, and it only took an hour to get a choppa here to fly him out. He lived.
Forget about cell phone access unless you are on top of a big hill. I have to drive a mile from my cabin to a giant hill we call the "phone booth" to talk to anybody. That's good and bad. Mostly bad.