just get adobe premier .... im sure you know someone who is a student who can hook you up.
then when you are bored google " Adobie Premier Tutorials" and have fun learning how to be awesome.
GoPro doesn't add that, it'll be your editing program.
Depends on your editing program.
Check out GoPro's software
What format are you converting it to?That dang'd program... I've been cussing for 2 days because everytime i tried to edit a video in Windows movie maker .. It would show me an error... I finally tracked it down to that Cineform crap!
Try converting them to AVI as that format usually works best in most programs, especially the non professional ones.Well... Used to when i would put the videos on my computer. I would just click on them and they would open up in Windows movie maker. And looks like there in MP4 ....
And i'd just edit them there....