Private property can be a little iffy to ride over, especially if you don't know if it is or not. Usually, I take extra care to remain hidden or stealthy about it if there's no way around. Worst case I had an old man roll up and scold me for riding through a field (which wasn't his) but he seemed like a pissed off old man with nothing better to do than to threaten riders passing through the old ravine (that is private property, but belongs to the city) cept, he didn't have a gun. He was armed with a truck, body odour, and an old crumpled letter from the cops which basically said they'd come if he called
. It looked like he'd showed that paper to atleast a hundred riders before me. He claimed to have called the cops (which was BS) but
I didn't want to stick around to find out for sure. I dipped pretty quick but still, it sucks when you get caught. Just apologize and be on your way. Yeah, it's kinda of a downer on you're ride but nothing a cold beer and a couple smokes can't change after.