I was taken out at a GP at Willow Springs. Dirt Bike, but the start was on asphalt and just before it turned off the pavement and hit the dirt section a dude hit me from behind and took me out. I went down and got road rash on the elbow. After the race and bleeding all over myself and the bike, I hit the rescue 3 wagon to get it cleaned out. They were using some cleaning solvent and rinsing it out. I looked at the girl doing it and told her to poor a beer on there and wire brush that gravel out.I think her knees buckled a little bit before she caught her composure.
She must of been a volunteer and not use to this...
We were camping and one of our people drunkenly slipped on the boat ramp and skinned his elbow all up and before we knew it random people we didn't know were running up to him and pouring beer on it