Got myself a street bike

I was taken out at a GP at Willow Springs. Dirt Bike, but the start was on asphalt and just before it turned off the pavement and hit the dirt section a dude hit me from behind and took me out. I went down and got road rash on the elbow. After the race and bleeding all over myself and the bike, I hit the rescue 3 wagon to get it cleaned out. They were using some cleaning solvent and rinsing it out. I looked at the girl doing it and told her to poor a beer on there and wire brush that gravel out. :lol: I think her knees buckled a little bit before she caught her composure.:lol: She must of been a volunteer and not use to this...

We were camping and one of our people drunkenly slipped on the boat ramp and skinned his elbow all up and before we knew it random people we didn't know were running up to him and pouring beer on it :lol: :cry: We get him back to the camper and there is like 4 people around him bandaging him up and with the most serious face he goes "I have aids" everyone just looks at him like :shocked: and then he starts laughing and goes JUST KIDDDDDDDDING HAHAHA
It broke down on me today, its something with the carbs :pout:

Hardly surprising. It's nearly 30 years old. Probably got some loose crud or something. Clean, clean, and
then clean some more.

If crud is the issue you can sometimes clear it by opening the carb drains and then open the fuel and let a little flow through. Try it a few times. It's allowed me to make it back on more than one occasion.

What does the gas tank look like? I've put thousands of miles on bikes that came to me with nasty rusted tanks. Fuel filters are your friend. Space is usually at a premium in a bike. I've found that these filters work pretty well and fit in small spaces. Lately I've been buying them at RM.


On a completely different topic, what are the date codes on the tires?
Hardly surprising. It's nearly 30 years old. Probably got some loose crud or something. Clean, clean, and
then clean some more.

If crud is the issue you can sometimes clear it by opening the carb drains and then open the fuel and let a little flow through. Try it a few times. It's allowed me to make it back on more than one occasion.

What does the gas tank look like? I've put thousands of miles on bikes that came to me with nasty rusted tanks. Fuel filters are your friend. Space is usually at a premium in a bike. I've found that these filters work pretty well and fit in small spaces. Lately I've been buying them at RM.


On a completely different topic, what are the date codes on the tires?

The inside of the tank is probably the cleanest part of the bike. Idk how but it is :noidea: I just drained the carbs before i read this post, it was a pain just to do that. But i might drain some more and run some sea foam throught it before i tear it all down
Might need some help here. I drained the carbs and am running sea foam through it. Seems to start fine but it will only idle down to 3k. Seems like an airleak to me. But i sprayed either over all the carb connections when it was running and it didn't seem to jump in rpms at all. Any ideas? I'll have to ride it to tell you if the throttle response is right aswell

EDIT: Nevermind, when i spray the right rear carb it idles up for a few seconds
It's worth giving the sea foam a try. I didn't realize that was a four cylinder. I was thinking two. Between the clean gas tank and it being a four cylinder the issue may be something else. Usually only one carb will mess up and on a four cylinder you can keep going. If the bike really just quit, look to the ignition.


Staff member
"won't idle below 3K"
Have you tried adjusting the idle knob? When you clean a carb it will run correctly. If it was tuned to run "ok" while it was dirty, then when it's clean it won't run the same. Try turning the idle down. -BIG DAN
well of course i've done that. It will drop rpm's and then hover around 3k for a good minute and then it will drop down to where you adjust the idle at


Staff member
well of course i've done that.
Just getting all the facts to how your bike "broke down."

hmm... sounds like they need to come off and fully cleaned buddy. It's worth it, and doesn't take very long at all. That would be a good starting point.
Then inspect while they are off.
Set each of the idle mix screws to the same setting. (1.5-2 turns)
Check your jets numbers. The two inner cylinders may be richer jets than the outer cylinders due to added cooling. This is normal.
Manually open the throttle with the control pulley, the slides/butterflys should move exactly together.
Reassemble and start again...

I read your edit, while you have them off, you'll find your leak. :thumb: -BIG DAN
yeah it seems like it. I just took the bike for a ride and it stutters when you punch it all the way up (rpm wise). Seems like a carb is clogged. Other than that i don't know.


Staff member
Riding a motorcycle stirs up all the crap in your tank and lines.
Very indicative of plugged jets. Clean the tank, petcock, lines, and carbs. I suggest brand new filters every couple months to ensure clean fuel is getting you where you want to go. - Big Dan
Riding a motorcycle stirs up all the crap in your tank and lines.
Very indicative of plugged jets. Clean the tank, petcock, lines, and carbs. I suggest brand new filters every couple months to ensure clean fuel is getting you where you want to go. - Big Dan
I took it all off and it had two clogged pilots. Only problem now is that its shooting right to 6k and the idle screw is doing nothing. There is no tension on the the throttle cable at all. I jump a little over my head with this one. Really pissing me off too this thing is a bitch to work on

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