
I've also heard of people using hairspray.

For myself I glue it with Pro Taper Grip Glue and tie it with wire. Am I over doing it, maybe. :P

Hairspray works well but you have to use the cheap stuff like Aquanet. The good hairsprays don't have that heavy, almost laquer like quality.:thumb:
My philosophy is if I'm spinning my grips then I'm holding on too hard :noidea: so far it has taught me not to deTh grip my bars and helps with arm pump a little :thumb: ymmv
I have used Pro Taper Grip Glue with good results. I don't think the tube is big enough to warrant the price, so I tried some 3M Super Weatherstrip Adhesive out of an 8oz tube. It works really well too, but requires MEK to take the stuff off. There is also no second chance to put the grips on. That's the price of being cheap, I guess.
Hairspray works well but you have to use the cheap stuff like Aquanet. The good hairsprays don't have that heavy, almost laquer like quality.:thumb:

its tiem to change my grips so im gonna give this aquanet a try. havent had any of that since the 80's when doing that wave thing in your bangs was the cool thing to do. :lol:
Which grips are you getting?

already got some...